Saturday, April 28, 2007

Stort Stories

I like reading short stories. Fits with my attention span. ;)

Here is what I'm reading now:

Secrets From the Vinyl Cafe - Stuart Mclean. This is the third book in the Vinyl Cafe universe that I have read(ing). I was a bit disappointed to see stories from previous installments (Why pay for something you already have?) but still quite enjoyable as in each story a character holds a "secret." I am about halfway through.

My wife likes to listen to me reading Cafe stories at bedtime. It puts her asleep. Or is it my voice?

One Last Good Look - Michael Winter. This is my first book by Winter, but it won't be my last. I was familar with his local success, and when I saw this story collection in the bargin section at Chapters, I thought, "What the hell?"

It took a minute (or two) to get use to Winter's rhythm and lack of puncutation, but I am really enjoying each story and experience of Gabriel English, the main character throughout.

The next time I am at Chapters, I may buy Winter's novel "The Big Why." Again bargain book, and hopefully a gem.


1 comment:

John Mutford said...

Hi Chris, I don't know if you're familiar with Bookworms Carnivals or not but basically, they're a collection of themed blog posts, compiled by a host with links to the originals. I'm hosting one in November (long ways off, I know) and I've chosen short stories as my theme. When you're finished Secrets From the Vinyl Cafe I'd love it if you posted about it and allowed me to link to your blog during the carnival. Just let me know, or if you'd like to post a different short story post- that'd be okay too.